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The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 2

The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 2

Bismarck, North Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

INTRODUCTION. With this issue is coimnonced the publication ot the BISMASCK TRIBUNE, the first paper on the Missouri River above Yankton and the first in Dakota on the line of the N. P. It. R.

It is printed on a Taylor Cylinder Press and from an office specially fitted oul for the publication of a da'ly so soon asv marck is large enough to sustain one. The publishers will not spare the pense necessary to make their paper valuable through its devotion to local interests, for its news and its choice- lections of miscellaneous matter. They bave made a large investment in their oiiice have turned their backs on ant and profitable situations at the East, hoping through energy and gound cretion, to, in time, build up a business which will pay. They come to Bismarck without a bonus to the extent of one dollar from the railroad company, the town site company or other parties but they ask and expect a liberal patronage froui ali parties interested in the perity of the town. They mako no special promises cept to publish a live paper and giyo at all tixnes their best elforts towards ing up the town.

Bismarck is now a small village and to sustain a paper the people must do tuoro iri the way of vertising and extra subscription than would be necessary under other stances. There is no surrounding rountry settlements from which to draw support and the publishers are forced to rely almost wholly on home patronage to sustain their paper. It is the custom of most country papers to use sheets half printed abroad while the- ise of the telegraph is wholly neglected. By doing likewise the lishers of the BISMARCK. TRIBUNE could save much expense in the publication of their paper, eke out an oxistencc on a scanty patronage, managing to hold the ground, waiting for something to turn up, but they prefer to print a paper of value to the town, and rely on the people foi a paying appreciation of their fort.

The space usually devoted to ter made up by foreign priming houses they intend to give to matters of local interest. Five thousand eopies of the first will printed and it will bo found specially valuable for sending abroad. Extra copies of the paper may be had at the cilice neatly done up in wrappers, ready for mailing. Connected wkb the XRIBCNK is a plete Job Orhce, consisting of a Quauel Medium Gordon Jobber, card and paper cutter, labor saving rules, latest styles of type, and abce all, the publishers have secured the of one of the best job printers in tha Northwest. Orders wiK be promptiy filled and at reasonable rates.

The TUIHUNK will bj sent Jo any dress at per year in advance. sons receiving this copy are invited to become subscribers, forwarding the pric." by money order on Duluth, regisr.ered letter or draft. Those who have friends they wish to interest in marck can do no batter than to send them the THH.UHK. RAILWAY BUSINESS. The Northern Pacific Railroad opening a station at this than four ceived and discharged tbo ouormons quantity of twelve hundred tons of freight, the aggregate charges upon which reach thirty thousand dollars.

This appears to be an excellent ing for tho station, and a first-class vertisement for Bismarck and the ern Pacific Road indeed it seems almost incredilabia that the company should be able lo transport and immense a quantity of freight immediately aftor the completion of the track, and even, before had been placed in proper dition for the running of heavy trains. Taking this instance of promp nose and energy aa a criterion from which to judge the future of the road, aiKcesc is certainly assured. To with precision what time and in what tity freight would bo required to expected steamboats undoubtedly quired great foresight and thorough perience in matters connected with tho transportation of supplies yet we have the word of the steamboat officiate the rp.ilitarv ofiicers. who reixivetf th'e freight, that in their experianco they had never known an where supplies had been delivered to thea with such promptness, and where they had received the same uniform courtesy at the hands of railway officials as at the hands of Col. Brownson, the thorough and oflicient Agent of the Northern Pacific at Bismarck.

General Manager Mead, in the selection of Col. Brownson to fill so important a position, and in the prompt opening of the Dakota Division to tho Missouri for business, has shown his customary good ment sund business capacity. Col, Brownson, more gentlemanly and obliging railway official than whom it has nsver been our good fortune to filled the important office Gen- Krmftht Agent of the Union Pacific thesaine time Mr. Mead held postr'vin of Assistant General of hat line, and his excellent HiiiiK as a thorough and reliable railinduced iris. appointment to a piaea on the Northern Pacific.

It is unnecessary to comment on or endeavor to show the good effect that the vast business the company is doing is destined to have upon the futuro pects of our youug and growing city. That it will stimulate immigration, duce capital hither for investment, and give permanency and character to th'e place and its business interests, is questionable. Bismarck will become the direct channel through which the vast trade of the mineral districts of Montana and Idaho will vcnfcnally be compelled to pass, bringing into ence, in a few years, the largest and most prosperous city between St. Paul and the Pacific coast. This may appear like vain boasting, but a short time will be required to demonstrate the truth of prediction.

"With, the advantage jf thousands of Biles of navigation, and direct railway sonneetiuns to all important points in the States and Canadas, we see no reason why our future prospects shall not rival the dreams of the most enthusiastic as to our future prominence and greatness as a cial metropolis. TOWN SITE TROUBLES. There has beau trouble and doubt lative to the townsito of Bismarck, and because of it much capital and many people have been kept away greatly to the detriment of the town. The title to iho land on which the town is situated has not yet been obtained from the Government four different parties claim to have been tho first to mako tlement and each claim the right to pre-empt it. The Lake Superior aud Puget Sound Company can only obtain tic to it through an actual settler, yet tiioy have laid out a town and in some instances have disposed of lots, but late have taken, no steps to sell and have not fixed a price.

Persons desiring to purchase were permitted, however, to mako application for lots, and assured that so soon as the 8. A P. S. Co. obtained title they should lave the first right to purchase.

People have, to some the situation, taking the chances and at this writing over one hnndrod buildings have erected on the disputed claim. Asa matter of course all are anxious to see the matter settled in some manner, to see so ne person hold of it who will do justice to parties in interest. Should the Pugut Sound Company get it they will no doubt do as they have agreed, though 'hey are greatly distrusted by some of our people who have heard of ate management on their part elsewhere. Lately a meeting of tho called to "settle the it was stated, but the mooting was allowed to fizzle by those calling it without getting anvthing properly before it. A mittee, however, was appointed to repurt at an adjourned meeting which fo- oause was not held.

Four of tho mit toe, Jan. A. Emmons, J. S. J.

E. Wasson and M. 0. howover, united in a report, presenting a prcamable, reciting the situation, pressing confidence in rlia future of the place, and charging that the Lake rior and Puget Sound Oomyany, through their agent, Col. Sweet, and another hired to represent them, have taken possession of the land to the attempted exclusion of men legally entitled to empt it, and oontrarr to all law regulating pre-emption and homestead matters, actually sold parcels thereof, taking money for the same.before even ing upon numerous other acts, forfeited the confidence of the people in their ability to 5i title, Resolutions followed in which it was resolved to ignore- the Pugo.

Sound pany and their ajmts, and support pledged to successful one of the maining contestants. Resolutions aro good things, but it must bo remembered that there is just two ways to settle this tovrifiite trouble. A compromise between tho contestants which will permit cnt of th-dr nu to up, or a contest pushed to (lie end. Tho latter may take months a.v appeal from tho O.nd to ei'kl J-iuM uiiice miu jrdiii' iuvre 10 uif Secretary of the Interior, mry be had. A comprise would erd the at No filltieVhow this copt flVuI)t "to V' Wh'alever been the policy in the past no change need be feared so far as the vaiiroad is concerned.

The present ment is el oar headed and practical an.i realizes that much injury to the towns interested, and to the road, has resulted from townsite changes at other points. The railroad company have two tions of land, lying within one hundred rods of their present depot grounds, one west and one north. East two hundred and twenty rods they have another tion. The town if loft in its present cation would reach all too, at an early day. Then it is ly for their interest to make no change, for at no point can they build so much for themselves aud so little for others.

About three-fourths of section four, on which tho town is situated is river Hats leaving one quarter for the townsite with all other available landB adjoining railroad landfe. "Whoever secures the townsite should rwwetuher (hat it will not pay to too grasping. The more diversified the terests become here the better. It would be far better for tbo townsito ewners to givo away one one-fourth of their erty, sell one-fourth at nominal figures and hold the remainder for speculation than to adopt a rate for lots so high as to prevent investment by men who come here expecting to make something on the rise of real estate. There arc more ways than one to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.

IT was announced some time ago that a syndicate had been formed in Now York which had subscribed for nino mil.ion of the Northern Pacific savonthirty loan, closing out all that remained on the market of tho thirty fered. In consequenco of thii successful negotiation the announce that no more bonds'will be issued bearing a greater interest than six per cent. It is understood that this negotiation gives the company means sufficient to extend the road to the Yellowstone to which point they will have located their line by the first of August. There is some prospect that work may be commenced 011 the west side this fall. It is certainly to their interest to reach the coal fields at the earliest day sible.

Coal is found directly west of but tho best is sixty milos west. On a trip to tho present terminus of the N. P. It. "to see what he could spy," an old Vermonter accidentally hits an opportunity to drop a line into the first issue of "Bismarck TRJIHTXK." A paper starting with a town not only "beautiful for situation," with an tensive outlook upon scenery as magnificient, delicate and charming as ture's best admirers could desire, or the queenly month, of Juno deign to drsss in her richest robes but, ing amid fattiest lands in healthiest clime and by the river of longest gation.

Surely no city on the Northern Pacific from the outspread Superior to the ilowing Missouri has so hopeful a future. Undoubtedly Bismarck has many sons, but this last, this American boy, this Dakota child, born in fullness of time, bids fair to do honor to the world's hero and the Bismarck Tiumanned in every department by incumbents second to none for talent, having uxperience and integrity, aided by excellent printing facilities, is no acquisition to tho infant tvivn so full of hope, and, I dare say, of certainty of large proportions. gratulations to for its superb journal and to the journal for its Bismarck. MOSES E. (LEIKNKY.

June 27, Lo, the poor Indian, whose untutored mind him draw his annuity as jv-rularly as a fuueral oilicer his ary hereafter receive his goods via th. Northern Pacific Railroad instead oi' via the Missouri River as heretofore. week one hundred and sixty tons of tnuuity goods for the Grand River A gen arrived at Bismarck other good? will follow. The Agent, Mr. MoiTit, also arrived and left by the first boat for Grand River.

There are nt, River Seven thousand Irtdians aud among other goods required by then: they use ten thousand head of beef cattle annually. V-'cst of the souri there are Siouxs, For their only means (if subsistence outside of the chase they rely on the ment, A fow are supposed to be on the war path but no danger from them is anticipated, 'i here has been seven skirmish vs this betwoen the Rees and oiouxs in the vicinity of Fort Abraha 1 Lincoln in which five Siouxs have been killed and two of the Rees wounded. Ths Siouxs and Roes are hereditary enemies and the iskirmishei had are supposed to have grown out of fact and the employment of the Koe by the Tie Yd low fltono Expedition was tacked two miles from Lincoln but after a shon skirmish proceeded and were not aeain molested, Fra the scamp, publishes libel on in the .1 (Mint.) Ledger "A young man belonging to this plate fcr several years past, wont out to the future Metropolis at Missouri River to take a look at things, with i'iow to locate. The next djiy after CiJj "arrival being Sunday, he dressed himself up respectably and started out to attend church. After looking around for a short time and not oeting an tdifior: looked fauriiar, ho accosted a gentleman who seemed to the manor born, with, 'tin yen tell me, my friend, where I will find a church?" "A what stammered the native of Bismarck, as his right hand caressed the handle of huge bowic knife, and his left fondled the butt of a formidable six-shooter, while his huge mustache fairly quivered with astonishment, ihe foil Lltchfi BISMARCK.

UA did yer ask for, stranger?" "A church," replied our Litchfield friend, "where religious services are held." "You skunk me, stranger. Thur yaint no sech doins'lowed round hero, but if yer has got any money you want to lay down on ferro, just atep in that ere dog to a small house with sod walls and canvass roof, that dog durned, ornery little cuss from Saint Paul will go through yer 'foro a drink of whisky would dry out'en the mouth of a Injih an' he'd ho ready for a nuthor drink. Guoss that 'ud scoop yer church." The young man from Litchfield walked back to bis hotel and kept hiq njom fvr the remainder of day, The cut whifch appears in another column is said to be a fair tion of Prince-Bismarck, the eminent German dier and statesman, for whom tho rising y.oung city at the Northern cific Crossing of ri River was named. The town is situated on the left bank of the river, 1,600 miles above its mouth, nearly opposite the mouth of tho Heart River and eight above the rnouth of Ap pie Creek. The Missouri is North America's ond largest river and is navigable for thirty-one hundred miles, thirteen hundred miles affovo Bismarck.

June 5 th, Inst rail ing th-? Missouri with Lake Superior was laid, completing the line four hundred and fifty miles west of luth, and a few days later tho cars commenced running regularly. The first settlement was made at the village Juno 14th, 187iJ, and by autuni about twenty buildings had been put up. Now Bismarck is a village of eight hundred and contains over one dred buildings, many of which would do credit to any locality. Nearly all kinds of business is already represented and every day some new enterprise is started. The surrounding country is undulating prairies, rich in alluvial soil, having occasional knolls covered double with bowlders.

On these prairies the bull'alo roamed not long since and to-day the bones of thousands slain the Iludsou Bay hunters or tho red man for their hides lie bleaching in this viciniiy. The town is not situated on a barren plain, in a forest, surrounded by less swamps, or on the slopes of ragged hills but in a country highly productive, particularly adapted to stock growing and grain raisin" Though the winters are long it is possible for stock to live and thrive the entire year without a mouthful of grain or hay. Only six miles below "Bismarck lives Louis Agard whose stock, includiug eighty horses, sixty cattle and twenty-five mules, lived on the prairies during the past winter and this spring were in fair condition. In a country such as this is Bismarck situated. Those here expect to see it a city of tweuty-five thousand within the next ten years.

Many, of them have witnessed tho rise of Chicago from a marsh to a city of three hundred and people. Twenty years ago, St. Paul, now having thirty thousand people, had poorer prospects than marck. Ten years ago Minneapolis, now having thirty thousand, was an important village. Somo of the causes which will operate to build up marck have made within a dozen years La Croose a city of fifteen thousand, Omaha the same, and have built up large and (lourshingeities of Sioux City, sas City.

St. Joseph and other river towns. Coal in unlimited quantities 13 found within a few mile-', of Bismarck. The development of that interest would alone build up a cit3r. Until the road is extended to the Yellow Stone marck will be the headquarters of the Montana trade.

The day is not fur tant when the Indians will yield their right to the Black IIills country, when expeditions to explore thatcountry will be fitted out from Dismarek. The country abounds in minerals of all kinds, particularly gold and silver. Indeed indications of gold and silvor abound hereon every hand, but as tho country is adrift formation it may not be found in paying quantities. The people here have faith in the ture, and as a general thing those who are here have como to stay and will be content if during the of the town Ihey can make a bare ing that every acre of ground secured by them in the vicinity of the village will in lime bo worth thousands of dollars. Until recently tho Indians possessed the country.

One year ago those hero slept with their carbines by their sides not knowing when to expect attack. To day all is quiet and East of tho Missouri there is not a hostile brave, The lands have been surveyed and many claims hare been taken by actual settlers. Government land may at this writing be liadjwithin two miles of Bismarck as good laud, too, as ever laid out of doors. Until tho Railrond Company commence permanent buildings, and until the title to the town site is secured froiii the government, the perity of the town will be somewhat retarted, but so sure as the sun rises and sets Bismarck, but recently a wild rie, now a village, will in ten years bo a city which may well bo called the pride of tho Northwest, Postal Inlbrmatiou. After July 1st the following changes in postal affairs will take effect: 1.

Pranking privilege abolished. 2. Postmasters supplied with official stamps. 8. Official stamps must not be used except for official business.

4. Stamp of one department ean not be used for correspondence of another. 5. No matter can pass through the wails free. Postage must bo papers published in tho county where delivered.

7. Exchanges not free. Publishers must pay postage 011 each exchange livered. y. Postal cards uncalled for aro not sent to Dead Letter Otlice.

D. Postal cards can not bo used a ond time. 10. Ordinary cards can be transmitted through the mails by affixing a one cent stamp, provided the entire message is primed. The address may bo written.

Merchandise may he sent by mail at the following rates Two cents for each two ounces or fraction thereof, limited to twelve ounces. "When any of the above matlc is mailed wholly unpaid, rf.tos collected. be charged and MENNONITES, riw. ami Hail the Promoted (h.e H'oil---A f- IFAUstlfJ- Shiut Wheii They 1 -Jh-'i! and Who WIU tLo Minneripu'ii! Tnimr.i.' PAUCO, I). Juno II.

The committee sent out by tin Mennonities of iiussia to spy out a bind for their new home, returned from their trip through this country day before yester day. They are delighted with the ries of Dakota and have about ined to select them for thoir colony of forty thousand people. They have been to Texas and Kansas but choose Dakota in preference to either of these States. Some of them arc fully determined to report in favor of I'akota, and debated soin tune whether to investigate further, but finally concluded that in justice to themselves and out of esy to the Canadian Government, from which they have icceiv.d many favors, they should visit Manitoba before their return, and accordingly left for Fort Garry yesterday. After their return they will visit Nebraska, but no doubt will choose -this country instead.

The prairies here resemble very much tho of their native land, and the fact that there is no timber does not. worry them in tho least. They know its phnji can riadily be supplied. That tho soil is productive, wis demonsLratcd to thorn in many ways. 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 0 On (he fjivm of Andrew Holes, one mile from Pargo, they found wdieat sown on the 17th of May which on the 1 th of June measured, as it stood, 13 inches the blades, when straigtened out measured inches.

'hits sown on the ItHh of ured about the same as I he wheat. Corn planted on the of May measured 12 inches in height. Hubbard squashes, planted on the same day, had the five full leaves. Peas planted on the May were fifteen inches high, and vorn planted on the 2ilh of May stood ten inches high. tho Sheyenne they found, on the 11th of June corn planted on the tith standing 21, inches high.

Or. Monday they found corn planted on tiio Iiiday pievious standing ljinches. The Meunonites were not required to believe these things from hearsay but saw them. WHO Much has been said of the Mennonites. oi.r readers understand that they Are of origin, a sect somewhat lar to Iho Quakers, who went to Russia seeking religious freedom, and for a time had protection, but the favors extended them have recently been withdrawn, and they now seek in a foreign land that which tnoy cannot find at home.

They are about two hundred and strong, and very wealthy at least forty thousand of them will emigrate to this country nt ot'iee, and others Will fo'lcw. Because of their religons views, they were a few years ago compelled to submit to all manner of indignities and and fear that through the L-fSiiTTLKD OONiUTlOM oi' AFFAlitS, at home they v. ill H.ilfer iu a like ner again. The government induced them to settle in Russia through a grant 'of lands, but the lands car. ordv be transferred from one to another 0: their people when an attempt made to transfer to others it reverts to the crown.

Surne have acquired property outside of this grant, all have more or less personal property. Those who oan will wid abandon ah they have. 'L-ey arc an excellent and dustrious people. They will bring money, muscle, and intelligence to tho country, together with unimpeachable integrity. Fortunate, indeed, is the country which secures them, Dakota, I believe, surely will.

C. A. L. PEK M. C.

Russell of theBraiiierd Tribune has been writing pen pictures of tho editors on the line of tho Northern cific. Hero is what he says of Kussell: "This dinitary presides'as Grand Cyclops over tho Braiuerd Tribune. He was born young, arid was the first paper mun on the Northern Pacific line, which two facts mako him famous at once, lie is a youth of thirty-two smnuK-rs, and wa6 born on of ruaiy, of poor, bul vevy honest par- 011 ts, on the hillsides of western sylvania. He came to Minnesota in 1855, on foot and alone, and WM cated principally among Sioux diana, and has sinco graduated in several of the fine being eook on a fiat boat to tho exalted position he now holds. A self made man in every sense, although rather an inferior job, owing largely to his education.

He is a moniinaniac on the subject of removing the Capitol from Sc. Paul to Brainerd, and asks two dollars a year in advance for his man. The Sad of W. Bongo. "When Mr.

Bangs, the older, returned from Europe, he brought with him from Geneva a miniature musical box, long and very narrow, and altogether ol hardly greater dimensions, say, than a large pocket knife. The instrument played our cheerful little tunes for the benefit of the Bangs family, and thoy enjoyed it very much. Youag Wm. Bangs enjoyed it to such an extent that one day just after the machine had been wound up ready for action, he got up sucking the end of it, and in a moment of inadvertence it slipped and he lowed the whole concern. The only mediate consequence of the accident was that a harmonic stomach-ache was immediatly'organized upon the interior of William Bangs, and he experienced a restlessness which he well knew would defy the soothing tendencies of mint, make a mockery of paregoric.

And William Bangs kept his secret in his own soul, and in his stomach, also, determined to hide his misery from his father, and to spare the rod to the spoiled child-r-spoiled at any rate as far as his digestive apparatus was concerned. But that evening at the supper table W. Bangs had eaten but one mouthful of bread, when strains of wild, mysterious music were sudden'y wafted from under the table. The eutire family ately groupod around upon the floor, ing to discover whence the sound came, although Wm. Bangs sat there filled with agony and remorse, and bread and tunes, and desperately asserted his lief that thr music came from Mary Ann, who might perhaps be playing on the harp of dulcimer in the cellar.

He well know that Mary Ann was miliar with the harp, and that the mer was as much insolvable to her as it would have been to a fishing worm and ho was aware that Mary Ann would have scorned under any circumstances toinvoko music while sitting upon the frigerator or reposing in the coal bin. But he was frantic with anxiety to hide his guilt. Thus it i.s that one crime leads toauoUacr. But he couldnotdisguise the truth for ever, and that vory night, while the family was at prayers, William Bangs all at once got the hiccups, and the music box started olP without warning with "A Life on the Ocean Wave, and a ifome on the Rolling Deep," with tions. Whereupon the paternal Bangs arose from his knees and grasped liam kindly but firmly by the hair, and shook him up, and inquired wnat he meant by such conduct.

And William threw out a kind of a general idea to the effect that he vras practicing thing for a Sunday-school celebration, which old Bangs intimated was a larly thin explanation. They then tried to get up that music box, and every time they would seize young liam by the legs and shako him over the sofa cushion, or would throw some frc-sh variety of emetic down his throat, the harmonium within gave a fresh and would joyously grind out "Listen to the Mocking Bird," or "Thon'lt Never to Love." So they abandoned the attempt, and were compelled to permit the musical box to remain within the spulchral cesses of the epigastrium of William Bangs. To say that the unfortunate victhn of tho disaster was made miserable by his condition would bo to express in tho feeblest manner the state of his mind. Tho more music there was in iiis stomach the wilder and more pletely chaotic became the discord in his soul. Just as likely as not it would cur that while he lay asleep in bed in the middle of the night tho melody works within would begin to revolve, and would play "Home, Sweet Home," (or two or three hours, unless the peg happened to slip, when the would slip back again to "Life on the Ocean Wave, and a home on ling Deep," and would rattle.out that tune with variations and fragments of the scales until William bangs' brother would kick him out 5f bed in wild pair, and sit on iiim in vain effort to subdue tiiQ Serenade, which, however, invariably proceeded with fresh vigor when subjected to unusual pressure.

And when William Bangs went to church frequently occurred that, in the very midst of the solemn portion of the sermon, he would feel a gentle turbance under the lowest button of his jacket and presently, when everything was hushed, the undijested engine would givo a preliminary buzz, and then reel oiT "Listen to tho Mocking Bird," and "Thou'It Never Cease to Love," and scales and the man would stop and glare at William over his spectacles and whisper to one of the deacons. Then the sexton would suddenly walk up the aisle and clutch tho unbappy Master Bangs by the collar, and scud down tho aisles again to the acpaniment of Life on the Ocean Wave and a Home on Rolling Deep," and then incaraerato William in the upper portion of the steeple until after church. But tho end camo at last, and the erable offspring of the senior Bangs found peaco. One day while he was in school endeavoring to learn his tiplication table to the tune of "Home, Sweet Home," his gastric juice umphed. Something or other in tho music gave way all at once, the springs unrolled with alarming force, and iUiam Bangs, he felt the fragments of the instrument hurled right and left nmong his vitals, tumbled oyer on tho fioor and expired, At the post mortem examination they found several pieces of "Home, Sweet Home" in his liver, while ono of his lungs was severely torn by a fragment of "A Life on the Ocean Wave." Small particles of "Listen to the Mocking bird" wero removed from his heart aud breast-bone, and three brass pegs of "Thou'lt Never Cease to Love" were found firmly driven into his fifth rib.

Tney had no music at the funeral. They sifted the machinery out of him, quietly, in the cemetery. Whenever the Ranges buy musical boxes now they get them as largfc as a piano and ohain to the AMr, THE BISMARCK TRXBUNT A LITE PAPER, Will NEWSY and INDEPENDJ PUBLISHED AT BISMAE TUH North Pacific Crosse MISSOURI RIVER. BA sent TJ any ADD: ESS, OJIQ JEUR it wiii Jo them subscribe. im b'Mltfon to Its HOME.

RIVER, 1. on it IWiUTAItY, INDIAN, P.1VEU, AND OTHf Will recelre special THE TEIBU will iiet.ionr. abroad, wlm' may to it, posf'-il ri-lhtirv. to tlu Ulttiiarek, as l.jral vill be uej-i Person0 wiio hay? the r.unfi-rl'al ity of citien which liufr njagic at tlie Important cioitsiiiKS thr- Missouri Hirers, and who through 11 lu-k 1 deiice information iUd not then, can Recover Lost Opportuniti- Iy watching closely thp of will I 'Jx? hi price, eiriMeil to the publishes the sum ity JIWTOIH All I'O of ttii sub, Letter, Morii'y on or Draft. who whether Disy rend ibii r.i'erti CAPITALISTS SHEKIN'O INVESTMENTS, fAilMKHS SEEKING HOMES, LABORERS SEEKING EMM.0Y or persons seeking to pl.toa two tullan an A Li the jiioht good are I in MILITARY and INDIAN the TUIUGNB will, from week fo weei, put synopsis of News of the iy liint.

of four days previous to to wl.l Received by Ni nr Fxuer.M Kilt apAteil newa, 114 it Is a Mtu 'iin ou The TRIBCXK jUtflt Mipi'ltrrl tvith Taylor Cylinder Pres and the luaterlal neceewy to jn it iil. can tv tuslalued. 'FHti JOB DEPARTMEi Is supplied w)Ik QUARTER-MEDIUM eOK-JJ PAPHKan.l CARD C'-TTHLL, Latest Styles of Typo, (fee. Printing In bla k. nrlntliJK in wt'.

f-' Printing in of soinhrtj Printing for and lanu genii Printing for any rrho're printing to Prlut'np: for baalrers, clerkn, Printing for lruggts, fur it Printing for.drnperH, Who want printing done, an-I wJll Call. Printing of pumphleto, In there are few buUvhr. Priutf tig of printing (f i'Ii, Printing of rort-notes for HTl'-r-Mor J. Printing of labelit, all oz Especially flt foi IVrrUoriu "Irn, prod it" Printing of sorti yon oan aomjiicrciai, or house to I Printing done quickly, Jiol-1, Kfvl'sh At Prinlini Main Street. Orders Taken for Rulii'r Binding.

AM, KINDS OP 1IU0K AM) ANK giyon apt-da) The pvoplo of arc cordially coma In iind rlst tlu? oflicv. a gem-Tof is froa) them. Bismarck Tribune MS.iUUCK, T'.

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